Monday 6 October 2014

Killrowan Farm in the media in recent months

We have had an exciting few months. Back in May we were delighted to have Seán Mac a tSíthigh,Video Journalist for RTE/TG4 come to the farm and do a lovely piece on Droimeann cattle for TG4 news as Gaeilge (in Irish). He Spoke with my father and I about the breed and our cows. They seem to love the limelight!! The piece is below:

Seán was great to work with and we were delighted to have him on the farm

Then, 3 weeks ago, we had the privilege to have Ella McSweeney, a well known Irish radio and TV broadcaster and presenter for Ear to the Ground come to  the farm to do a radio interview about me, the farm and our cattle. Ella was a delight to spend time with and wonderful company. Her body of work speaks for itself. 

Ella speaking with my Father and I 

The Link for the Radio Interview is below:

POD CAST from Interview with Ella McSweeney on Today with Sean O' Rourke on RTE Radio 1

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